Website of Harwell Parish Council, Harwell Village, Oxfordshire, England
Temporary storage building for low-level radioactive waste at land adjacent to Building 418.19, Dido Road, Harwell Campus
OCC application for Harwell Campus (East Hendred parish)re:
Installation of a semi-rigid building for the temporary storage of non-radioactive waste and very low level radioactive waste
Land adjacent to Building 418.19, Dido Road, Harwell Site, Didcot, OX11 0DF
MW.0111/18 |
Temporary storage building for low-level radioactive waste at land adjacent to Building 418.19, Dido Road, Harwell Campus |
Status | No Objection |
Major application? | |
Registration Date | 29 August, 2018 |
Consultation Start Date | |
Consultation End Date | |
Target Decision Date | 14 November, 2018 |
PC Meeting Date | 13 November, 2018 |
PC Comments | No objections. |
Neighbours? | |
Vale Decision Date | |
Vale Decision | No decision yet |
Vale Link | MW.0111/18 Application Link |
Show on map | MW.0111/18 Map Link |
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Applications: For review by PC | All by reference no. | All by PC meeting date | Decided by Vale | The process
Always refer to the Vale database for the full status of each application - this page is provided for information only and is not a definitive listing.