

Reserved Matters application for Parcel 1P Valley Park
Amended plans/information July 2023


Reserved Matters submission relating to phase P1 pursuant to outline planning permission P14/V2873/O, comprising 179 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping. (Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 4,254 dwellings, mixed-use local centres, primary schools, sports pitches, community and leisure facilities, special needs school, open space and extensive green infrastructure, hard and soft landscaping, attenuation areas, diversions to public rights of way, pedestrian and vehicular access and associated works)
Location   Parcel 1P Land to the west of Great Western Park (Valley Park)

Amended plans/information 19 July 2023. Extension requested


Reserved Matters application for Parcel 1P Valley Park
Amended plans/information July 2023

Status Objects
Major application?
Registration Date 20 March, 2023
Consultation Start Date 27 March, 2023
Consultation End Date 28 April, 2023
Target Decision Date 19 June, 2023
PC Meeting Date 8 August, 2023
PC Comments Objection to amended application August 2023 Response re: Planning application P23/V0667/RM Reserved Matters submission relating to phase P1 pursuant to outline planning permission P14/V2873/O, comprising 179 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping. (Outline planning application for a residential development of up to 4,254 dwellings, mixed-use local centres, primary schools, sports pitches, community and leisure facilities, special needs school, open space and extensive green infrastructure, hard and soft landscaping, attenuation areas, diversions to public rights of way, pedestrian and vehicular access and associated works) Location Parcel 1P Land to the west of Great Western Park (Valley Park) Amended plans/information 19 July 2023. Harwell Parish Council objects to this application on the following grounds – a. The developers are proceeding as if HIF 1 is available. Is this now permissible? b. The new Health Centre in Valley Park will not be available until between 5/10 years (2028 – 2033) depending on the market conditions of the build. The Council feels that all necessary infrastructure should be in place before homes are occupied, especially with regard to health provision, given the current situation in the local area. c. There are 2 roundabouts needed to facilitate access to Valley Park. A 3 arm roundabout to the north of the location, near or on the A4130 and a 5 arm roundabout on the Wantage/Harwell Link Road to the south of the location. Persimmon has reported it believes that both roundabouts would start to be built within the next 18 months (by Spring 2025). The Council feels this timing should be readdressed as it will mean additional traffic coming through Hagbourne and onto the A417. d. Schools – the primary school on the site will not be built until the 500th occupation (around 5/10 years). In the meantime children will need to attend schools in the area. The Council feels more attention should be paid to this problem and that safe walking routes should be prioritised. e. The cycle lane that comes from Harwell through Cow Lane would occur by the 500th occupant (5/10 year). The Council urges that this is brought forward earlier and was surprised at these timelines as the push from the district and county council had suggested that the cycle route between Harwell Campus and Milton Park and the rest of Didcot would be easier with Cow Lane. All suggestions about cycle routes over the last few years had included this route. f. Sewage Capacity – Thames Water has given Persimmon confirmation that the water and sewage capacity is available for this build. The Council questions this in light of existing struggles at Great Western Park where run off and sewage have been problematic. As this location is on a slope there is a need to provide protection to the A4130. g. Refuse and road surfacing – the Council would like clarification about intended road surfacing in the development as similar surfacing is already in existence at Great Western Park and in some locations this has already proved problematic (refuse collection not occurring in roads of a certain surface). Objection April 2023 1. No new houses until health care provision is in place for the new residents. Is there enough school provision in the area before the new ones are built in the town? 2. Infrastructure to surrounding areas, particularly to GWP for schools, for cycling and walking must be fully in place before any residence is sold so that residents are not stranded there/car dependent 3. Too many gardens are too small. Do not accept that the proposed density could not be achieved without gardens meeting guidelines 4. Density of Northern area was increased following Vale guidance according to the Persimmon representative that spoke with us. This contributes to the lack of garden space. We are unclear why density here is being increased and how this will impact the remaining development where density will presumably be lower OR that the number of houses will suffer scope creep and increase in number over and above the total housing given in the outline planning of 4,254 5. Concerned about lack of visitor and resident parking. Don't see the infrastructure being in place to allow for residents to be car free. 6. Flats are sharing EV points. This seems like a conflict point. Concerns also as to who owns and maintains the charging points - if 3rd party company, this may prove expensive for the residents 7. Language around solar provision is too loose. A firm commitment is expected. Designs/street scenes do not reflect this. 8. Object to installation of gas boilers. As with Taylor Wimpey application we do not accept that the new flagship development in Didcot will provide, in the first phase, houses that will after a single year no longer meet the new efficiency regulations coming into force in 2025. Does not align with Vale or OCC carbon objectives 9. Windows on too many properties are too small. 10. No provision of swift boxes etc. 11. The north/south footpath on the Western side of the development is not intended for cyclists. We see no reason why this cannot be shared space - design it like people will use it!! 12. The only on-site facility is a play area. Please make it a condition that the play area is complete and in use before nth occupancy (ideally with n=first). 13. Services - are Thames Water able to handle the sewage, or will it need bowsers as happened with early GWP phases or will they just let it flow directly into the local waterways?
Vale Decision Date
Vale Decision No decision yet
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